Fees &
Our fees and costs are certain and transparent!
We understand that it is important for you to know what a service is going to cost and what is included in that service In respect of behaviour consultations, a fixed fee is agreed with you in advance dependant on the nature of the issue(s) identified. Once you have confirmed you are happy with the fee quoted and decided to employ our services, full details of the scope of the work we have agreed to undertake and the agreed fee are emailed to you for final confirmation post our initial telephone consultation and prior to any face to face meeting to ensure you are happy that the service being offered meets you needs and is in accordance with your expectations

Behavioural Consultations - We firmly believe that 'One Size Does Not Fit All' and we therefore invite you to take advantage of our FREE initial no obligation telephone consultion in order that we can discuss the issues you have and your requirements upon which we can confirm the FIXED FEE for the consultation or whether in your specific circumstances it would be better to work on an hourly rate. This allows us to make an accurate as possible assessment of the work required to help you and your canine companion.
All of our behaviour consultations include as a mimimum:-
Initial telephone consultation;
despatch of detailed questionnaire prior to face to face meeting;
*2-3 hour face to face meeting initially commencing at your home;
post meeting written summary (and training handouts as appropriate); and
Ongoing telephone support for the problem(s) addressed for at least six months post consultation
*note - due to the specific nature and complexity of separation anxiety cases these are likely to involve a shorter initial meeting and more ingoing support and are generally charged by the hour. Also note some consults can take up to 4 hours.
ONE TO ONE TRAINING SERVICES - are available, generally post a full behavioural consultation and assessment to provide additional support where required. They are also provided as part of our Puppy Survival Packages. We cover common training areas such as recall, loose lead walking and general obedience training - all carried in with lots of fun and motivation for all (at your home/location**).
The hourly rate will vary according to the behaviour we are working with and the training required. However all costs will be discussed with you during your free telephone consultation and advised prior to commiting to booking.
**Home location training subject to distance restrictions (call if unsure).
Puppy Survival
Our Puppy survival packages are designed alleviate the stresses and strains of puppy's first year, including the onset of the teenage delinquency period!
Whether you are a new puppy parent or about to be one, you will have spend a good amount of time choosing and money on purchasing your new puppy (and on a variety of equipment no doubt). However, undoubtedly the most overlooked but most important thing for a happy, contented dog and happy stress free family is to have a well trained and well behaved dog that has learnt to behave appropriately in a variety of social situations.. Your puppy will be learning about all sorts of things both from his/her environment and how you interact with them from the minute you take them through the front door, even when you are not actively training them, ideally this is when our M.U.T.T (mutual understanding and trust training) programe needs to start, not six months down the line.

Save your sanity with a puppy's first year survival package
Puppy training can still be done Ad Hoc on a per session basis at a cost of £75 - Per Hour.
Being a new puppy parent can be quite the baptism of fire with all of your pre conceived ideas of how your perfect puppy will be trained and behave not quite going according to plan! It does not need to be this way!
We have a variety of Puppy Survival Packages to suite your needs and guide you through those first incredibly important months..... They can cover everything from the pee puddles, early socialisation, training and adolescent delinquency to a crucial basic understanding of the dogs mind and how they learn.......
Bespoke packages are also available to suit your individual requirements and circumstances .
When considering our fees please also consider that many, many hours and many thousands of pounds have gone into learning not only how to understand our canine companions, but about their welfare and well being in order that Pamela can provide these services. Pamela has been trained by some of the best canine behaviourists both in the UK and abroad. She is a fully qualified lawyer and has applied her not insubstantial research and analytical skills fully to understanding canine behavioural science. She remains abreast of the latest updates in her field and most importantly she has a pack of her own and has had the opportunity over a good number of years to observe canine pack interactions on a first hand basis at length whilst living with them.
Her extensive and continuing specialist work with large breed (Tibetan Mastiff) rescue dogs with both common behavioural and aggression issues has left her well placed to deal with all manner of breeds and behavioural issues. She shares her life with dogs that provide unique challenges and which require a good deal of understanding to live with The two basset Fauve's are ardent hunters with an impressive scenting ability and the two Tibetan Mastiffs, who are a guardian breed, are simply like no other dogs........!
They all have their unique challenges and Pamela would not have it any other way.
We aim to charge a realistic but affordable fee for the knowledge and expertise required for the services provided.