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My Services

Man with his Dog
Behavioral Consultations

We provide a bespoke individualised consultation service for our clients and  advise and assist with pretty much all behavioural issues including without limitation:  


Dog on Dog Aggression;

Dog on Human Aggression;

Resource Guarding;

Separation Anxiety (including severe cases, we have a particular expertise in this area);

General Anxiety and Reactivity;

Fears and Phobias.; and

Generalised innapropriate or undesirable behaviours.

The list above is generalised and merely indicative of common problems, do not hesitate to contact us whatever the issue!

A Professional, bespoke and effective service.

All Canine behavioural issues assessed utilising the ecxclusive  M.U.T.T (Mutual understanding and Trust Training) method created by Pamela Hindes.


Behavioural issues are often complex and involve a thorough assessment of not only the behaviour displayed by our canine companions but also the human canine relationship in order to create an effective plan to improve relationships and deal with any disharmony occurring due to the behaviour(s) of a particular dog and owner/family.


A detailed questionnaire is issued prior to any meeting to ensure as much information as practicable is gathered prior to each bespoke home consultation. We are always happy to discuss any issue that you have with you and to explain what we anticipate we can do to help. 

For costs information please click here for our Costs Page


All of our behavioural assessments, behaviour modification plans and training are based on the ‘M.U.T.T Method’©.

Man with his Dog
Image by Joe Caione

Training services

A well trained dog is a pleasure to own and a companion to be proud of.... do you have one?

“Recall – 0h yes we have a good recall most of the time unless she is distracted by something such as….” (translated to – ‘I have no recall when I really need it!’)

“I hate taking him for a walk, as I get dragged down the road……..I’ve tried all the usual techniques shown on the internet but he still does it…….”

“He behaves all right at training classes but then it all goes horribly wrong when we are out and about….” 

She only follows commands when I have a treat in my hand……………

“He listens to me most of the time unless ………” 


These are the most common training problems we come across, due to the lack of effective training of both owners and their dogs. 


To train your dog well you need to be given sufficient knowledge to have a basic understanding of how a dogs mind works, how to motivate your dog to learn and to train effectively.  Sadly, in many training classes, time is simply not allocated to these basic but essential principles. The M.U.T.T Method addresses the fundamental issue of the dog and owner relationship as a basic building block of all training, this does however require and initial behavioural assessment to ascertain the current relationship between dog and owner/family, but is well worth the effort.


Training an owner to use a technique itself is easy enough as it is a mechanical process, but to simply do this overlooks the importance of the relationship between you and your dog which is fundamental. 


You can teach someone a dance if you know the steps but how you teach it will be fundamental to the relationship you build with that person and how effectively they learn ...

Pamela Hindes offers one to one training packages, generally subject to  to an initial behaviour assessment (subject to exceptions evaluated  on a case by case basis) to help you learn how to train your dog effectively and at the same time have some fun and improve your relationship!  How many sessions will be required will depend on what training is needed but as a general rule of thumb generally three hourly sessions will be necessary to get you on the right road with an individual aspect of training.  If we are training to a good level of competence a variety of behaviours then as a general rule a 6–8-week plan is more realistic. We do however find it best to discuss your individual requirements to assess a suitable bespoke package of sessions.

After all ‘One size does not fit all…..’
Man with his Dog
Puppy Survival 

Our Puppy survival packages are designed alleviate the stresses and strains of puppy's first year, including the onset of the teenage delinquency period! 

Whether you are a new puppy parent or about to be one, you will have spend a good amount of time choosing and money on purchasing your new puppy (and on a variety of equipment no doubt). However, undoubtedly the most overlooked but most important thing for a happy, contented dog and happy stress free family is to have a well trained and well behaved dog that has learnt to behave appropriately in a variety of social situations.. Your puppy will be learning about all sorts of things both from his/her environment and how you interact with them from the minute you take them through the front door, even when you are not actively training them, ideally this is when our M.U.T.T (mutual understanding and trust training) programe needs to start, not six months down the line.

Puppy Portrait

Save your sanity with a puppy's first year survival package

Puppy training can still be done Ad Hoc on a per session basis at a cost of £75 - Per Hour.

Being a new puppy parent can be quite the baptism of fire with all of your pre conceived ideas of how your perfect puppy will be trained and behave not quite going according to plan! It does not need to be this way!

We have a variety of Puppy Survival  Packages to  suite your needs and guide you through those first incredibly important months..... They can  cover everything from the pee puddles, early socialisation,  training and adolescent delinquency to a crucial basic understanding of the dogs mind and how they learn.......

Bespoke packages are also available to suit your individual requirements and circumstances .

Pamela Hindes LLB (solicitor) MTGoDT, *CIDBT Cert.
Behaviour Practitioner, Full Member Canine and Feline Behaviour Association (CFBA),
Master Trainer Guild of Dog Trainers,
Council Member  Pet Behaviour Council (PETbc)

*Cambridge Institute of Dog Behavior and Training (CIDBT)


Northwood Rd, Harefield, Middlesex  UB9 6PL
T / 07539 623383

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Covering Bucks, Beds, Herts, London and the South East of England
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